420 Midterm Essay '23

In-class writing exercise

Remember the Two Cousins (from units 8 & 11)? You are their uncle. You’ve just come from a tour of the Doohicky factory where they are employed. It’s 1900. You are in a thoughtful mood. As you think about the huge changes that have occurred over the past 40 years and their letters, write them a note that seeks to resolve their conflicting views and suggests how they should feel about America’s industrial “progress” and it’s impact on working class folks like you and your nephews and their families. In order to convince them, you will need to use some examples and show that you fully understand and respect their arguments by acknowledging the better points on each side (in other words you are a person who fully embraces the principles of PWG 4c).

We will have take one day to review material from earlier in the term, and then you will come to class the next day and write an essay for 50 minutes. If you have accommodations for test-taking, please let me know in advance.

Study guide below (relevant items that may have relevance to your point; use pull-down arrow):

Items from unit 10:

From Unit 10: Taylorism; efficiency; productivity; advertising; mechanization; division of labor; economies of scale; mergers; trusts; managers; limited liability; stock; stock exchange; dividends; capital; profits; capitalists; robber barons; tarrif; invention factories; free labor; wage labor; contract freedom; eight-hour day; strikes; competition; real wages; deflation; permanent working class; greenbacks.

Items from Unit 11

General Strike

8-hour day

Child labor

Great Upheaval


Knights of Labor

Industrial Union




AF of L

Craft Union

Pullman strike

Eugene Debs

Pres. Cleveland



Meatpacking Industry


Push and pull factors


Melting Pot

Chain migration

Political machines

Tammany Hall



Socialist Party

Lochner v. NY

Police powers

Due process

Liberty of Contract

Judicial Review

Items from Unit 12

Farmer's Alliance

Populist Party

Omaha Platform

Subtreasury system

Monetary policy

Hard money

Free sliver




Tom Watson

Colored Farmers’ Alliance


William Jennings Bryan

Eugene V. Debs

Socialist Party


Henry Grady

New South boosters

Jim Crow



Poll tax

Literacy tests

Ida B. Wells

Lost Cause

The plain people